
Help Server

On the Help preferences page, you can indicate how to display help information.

Use external browsers If embedded web browser is supported on your system, help window uses an embedded help browser to display help contents, whenever possible, and this option is available. Select it, to force help to use external browsers. Use "Web Browser" preference page to select browser to use. Off
Open window context help This option allows you to determine whether the window context help will be opened in a dynamic help view or in an infopop. in a dynamic help view
Open dialog context help This option allows you to determine whether the dialog context help will be opened in a dynamic help section of help view or in an infopop. in dialog tray
Help view document open mode This option allows you to determine whether the documents selected in the help view will be opened in place or in the editor area. Open in place
Search Determines whether potential hits should be shown while searching. Showing potential hits will increase search performance, at the cost of potential loss of accuracy. Show all potential hits (faster)

Here is what the Help preferences page looks like: