
The following preferences can be changed on the Text Editors > Spelling preference page.

Enable spell checking This option enables spell checking. Off
Ignore words with digits This option ignores words with digits when performing spell checking. Off
Ignore mixed case words This option ignores mixed case words when performing spell checking. Off
Ignore sentence capitalization This option ignores sentence capitalization when performing spell checking. Off
Ignore upper case words This option ignores upper case words when performing spell checking. Off
Ignore internet addresses This option ignores internet addresses when performing spell checking. Off
Platform dictionary This option selects a platform dictionary to use. -
User defined dictionary This option selects a User defined dictionary to use. -
Maximum number of correction proposals This option limits the possible corrections displayed to the given value. 20
Make dictionary available to content assist This option allows content assist to use the dictionary when constructing its choices. 20

Here is what the Spelling preferences page looks like: