Text Editors

Linked Mode
Quick Diff

The following preferences can be changed on the Text Editors page.

Displayed tab width This option allows you to set the displayed tab width for the text editor. 4
Undo history size This option allows you to undo the history size for the text editor. 25
Highlight current line This option controls whether or the current line is highlighted or not. On
Show print margin This option controls whether the print margin is visible or not. Off
Show line numbers This option controls whether or not line numbers are shown on the left side of the text editor. Off
Show range indicators This option controls whether or not range indicators are shown in the text editor. On
Support hyperlink style navigation This option controls whether or not hyperlink style navigation is supported. On
Hyperlink style navigation key modifier This option sets the hyperlink style navigation key modifier. Ctrl
Disable overwrite typing mode This option controls whether the overwrite typing mode is enabled or disabled. Off
Appearance color options This option controls various appearance colors. -

Here is what the Help preferences page looks like: