eParapher News

16-07-2009 :

So ... Work (Huge PKI infrastructure migration) take me a lot of time and energy last months!
I felt in a sort of spacetime continuum hole ;)

I Correct lots of bugs and problems :

  • console logging and log level,
  • GUI (document refresh, secret key/trusted certificates/certificate+key icon, default certificate in wizard, Certificate viewer, ...),
  • Maven/eclipse integration of the jar and core APIs projects,
  • Keystore loading and password asking (no private key password for PKCS12 for example),
  • multiple CMS signature support (p7s/p7m files).

I also add some new key features :

  • Keystore File supports now IBM KDB and BouncyCastle UBER,
  • CSR Generation and certificate import.
  • Import Certificate in PEM/PKCS7 for existing keypair, and verify certificate chain
  • Java Crypto Provider View (Dynamically list all loaded Java Security Providers)

I will now focus (again) on testing for releasing v0.1 ASAP.

16-01-2009 : Project Management and continuous integration server

Maven integration is now finished.
It's based on the Apache directory studio work.
One small side effect is that the console log is empty for the moment.

A continuous integration server is also up and running.
Nightly builds are now generated everyday.

With all that, we won't loose time and energy on publishing pre release (Beta, Release Candidate,..). Code will be automaticly compiled and packaged from the subversion repository, for testing next morning, and without any effort! that will also enhance testing iterations.

Work on releasing v0.1 will now restart...

07-10-2008 : Third release candidate for v0.1

Adding visible signature for PDF files (still beta). Adding certificate selection in signature wizards.

01-09-2008 : Second release candidate for v0.1

Many new stuff :

  • Adding XML DSig signature support (JRE 1.6 and later)
  • Enhance PKCS#11 Support
  • Add Quickimage plugin for image viewer
  • Log4J integration : eParapher now log in a view and in a file (and can do syslog, ...)
  • Add Text and XML Editor (Beta).
  • Add OpenOffice Editor (still Alpha).
  • Convert to PDF/A with OpenOffice runtime.
  • Improve certificate viewer dialog.

I added Hardware token support and fix developments for the 0.1 release.

The team will now focus on BugFixes, documentation and code quality (logs, ...).

10-03-2008 : Third beta release for v0.1

I add configuration and correct default settings for Passphrase/PIN Policy.
A small BugFix on PDF Signing operation : it show the error message now.

Next and last step before first release will be :

  • Adding PKCS#11 Support
  • Adding Status line icons for OpenOffice Runtime (started or not) and PKCS#11 Token (inserted/or not)

I just correct an annoying bug on windows while mapping directly a drive.
Note that it could be quite slow while refreshing big folders (with lots of files and sub folders).

05-03-2008 : Subversion repository online

The project's subversion repository is now online ;)

01-03-2008 : First release

I'm proud to release the first beta release of eParapher.

After many discussions with friends (other PKI experts), i went to some conclusions :

  • electronic signature market isn't really mature.
  • Actually, there is no reference opensource software for file signature and keystore managment.
  • open source and security make sense.

So i decide to release it as an opensource software, to let grow a community of contributors, and sell consulting services (packaging, deployment) if it's successfull.

This software is a gift to the community. It's a kind of big "merci" to life for some personal recent event that finally finished quite well.

Arnault MICHEL